Beta diversity of plants, birds and butterflies is closely associated with climate and habitat structure.
Contrasting trait assembly patterns in plant and bird communities along environmental and human-induced land-use gradients.
Hierarchical Bayes estimation of species richness and occupancy in spatially replicated surveys.
Biodiversitätsförderflächen: Vögel und Tagfalter profitieren von der Fläche und Qualität.
Common species determine richness patterns in biodiversity indicator taxa.
Environmental predictors of species richness in forest landscapes: Abiotic factors versus vegetation structure.
Estimating species richness: Calibrating a large avian monitoring programme: Species richness estimation.
Hängt die Häufigkeit der Singdrossel Turdus philomelos zur Brutzeit mit der Häufigkeit grosser Gehäuseschnecken zusammen?
Impacts of climate change on Swiss biodiversity: An indicator taxa approach.
Impacts of urban sprawl on species richness of plants, butterflies, gastropods and birds: Not only built-up area matters.
Impacts of urbanisation on biodiversity: The role of species mobility, degree of specialisation and spatial scale.
Increasing the proportion and quality of land under agri-environment schemes promotes birds and butterflies at the landscape scale.
Landscape-scale effects of land use intensity on birds and butterflies.
Plants, Birds and Butterflies: Short-Term Responses of Species Communities to Climate Warming Vary by Taxon and with Altitude.
State-of-the-art practices in farmland biodiversity monitoring for North America and Europe.
Top predators as indicators for species richness? Prey species are just as useful: Predators and biodiversity.
Vorkommen von Wasseramsel Cinclus cinclus und Gebirgsstelze Motacilla cinerea in Abhängigkeit vom biologischen Zustand der Fliessgewässer.